Sunday, September 11, 2011

Farming uncertainty makes farmers jittery

Although seasonal on farm conditions seem optimistic and in good shape, uncertainty outside the farm gate is giving Australian farmers the jitters.  Farmers’ confidence level has hit an all time low with reports that rural confidence has fallen drastically over the past few months. 

Farmers are not only worried about local economic conditions but they are also concerned about global conditions in relation to carbon tax, live cattle exports and coal seam gas mining.  Rabobank Rural Confidence Survey which is conducted among 1200 Australian farmers demonstrates that there has been an increase in number of farmers who believe that the conditions will worsen in the coming year.  The number has increased from 12pc to 35pc from last quarter’s results.  Also, only 18pc are optimistic about the agricultural economy, a number which is drastically lower compared to 42pc previously. 

Read more of this article on our Country Life Blog

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