Monday, September 5, 2011

Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 4 Commentry

Tonight it is decision day and the farmers ask one of their favourites to leave the farm, and hopefully one step closer to finding true love.

Farmer Will

Will is nervous he will send the wrong girl home tonight.  He gets the girls to clean out a trough and distract them from the hours ahead.  He has a bit of a game and drops a couple of girls in the water through. 

Farmer Tim

Tim has a lot on his mind but he has already decided who he will send home.  The girls think he is a “closed book”

Tim is second to reveal his decision and has the girls sitting on some hay behind the shed.  Tim has made a connection with all the girls and now no one wants to go home. 

Farmer Trent

Trent sits with the girls and tells them it is decision day and he is struggling and says that he thinks they are all awesome girls and says it is “very hard”.  Trent has never been in love before and is ready to give his heart away.  Trent has said he can see himself with all of them.  Trent says “he can’t work it out” 

Farmer Kev

Kev is hoping he will make the right decision.  Meg has fallen for Kev and thinks he is a really nice guy. Fiona wants to share his future, and Megan has feelings for him as well and she says he is great. 

Farmer John

John does not have to make a decision today as he was starting to fall for Belinda and she decided to leave last episode.  John still wants to meet a lovely lady and has the two ladies who are still very much interested in him on the farm.

Farmer Frank

The first to choose tonight and is surprised how easy it is to get along with all the girls.  Frank has lived up to his name and taken all three girls hearts.  Frank meets the girls in the paddock on some tree stumps.  He thanks them all for coming and says it has been a great experience with all the girls.  her heart set on staying.

Read more on our Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 4

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