Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Beauty of Living in the Country

If уou live оr wоrk іn a сіtу, yоu know аbout thе effortѕ going on to lurе pеоple dоwntown. Moѕt citіеs arе adding shoрping аreаѕ, reѕtаurаnts, аnd condoѕ аlong gardеn раths, lаkеfrоnts, and harbors. Sоmе lovе thе hustle and buѕtlе оf cіty lіving аnd they enјоу nоt havіng tо drіve аnуwhеre оr dеаl with finding parking sрасеѕ whеn thеу want to go оut. Thеre hаs beеn а rеаl effоrt to attrаct рeople bаck intо citу dwelling аnd іn somе cаѕeѕ it is wоrkіng. But for othеrѕ, сіty living is never gоing to bе an оption.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Contestants for Series 8 Farmer Wants a Wife

    The Farmer Wants a Wife

Calls For Farmers Looking For Love

We are searching for farmers aged between 25 and 65 who are looking to meet their one true love. Singles - male or female, must be working farmers, be it grazier, dairy, fruit, pig, chicken, fish, viticulturalist etc.  Interested men or women should drop an email with an introduction and recent photos to:


or phone (02) 9434 0760

Applications Close Friday 14th October SO ACT QUICKLY!

This is not a competition. There's no prize money and the only winner in the end... is LOVE.  We simply follow the story of farmers meeting new people, exploring new relationships and trying to find their partner for life.  

Or visit our Dating site based on the Farmer Wants a Wife TV Series

Monday, September 19, 2011

Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 6 Commentary

With 24 hours alone with their girls, the farmers have their favourites to share their hopes and dreams with to help them decide if they want to spend the rest of their lives together.

There is only 2 days left and the farmers have to choose the loves of their lives.

 Farmer Will

Will is coming back from his date with Eliza and Will has said that it was an easy date and has really enjoyed his time with her.  Sam has been waiting for them to return and is sitting under a tree when they arrive back.  Will takes a seat beside her and Sam tells them it has been a little quiet without them.  Eliza said that the date was straight out of a Jane Austin novel.  However, now it is Sam’s turn to go on an overnight stay.  Eliza is a little envious and nearly has a cry when they leave.

Read more from the Farmer wants a wife Episode 6

Farmer Tim

Angela has had a great date and they return to Izabella on the farm who is doing the washing. She asks them what they have been doing and they tell her they have been sleeping under the stars.  They all pitch in and help her take the clothes off the line.  Tim then takes Izabella for a ride on the horses.  Leaving Angela behind it leaves her feeling unsure about how she feels.

Read more from the Farmer wants a wife Episode 6

Farmer Frank

Being back from his date he takes some time out from his ladies and wants to spend some time thinking and distracting himself.  He has kissed Tenille before and also on their overnight stay kissed Peta when she instigated the kiss. 

The Girls are spending their alone time giving the dogs a wash.  Tenille makes a fool of her self and sprays the dogs with the hose.  Peta has said that she has a great time with Frank.  Frank tells Tenille that he has arranged a special trip and a helicopter arrives to pick them up.   Peta is a little envious about the date.

Read more from the Farmer wants a wife Episode 6

Farmer John

John brings home Tracy, and they say that they have a great time with dinner and a kiss.  He has felt that he needs to treat them both equally and invites Alison for an overnight stay.  John takes Alison to a vine yard and takes her to a cooking school and thinks it is an odd place to be taken.  John is the first to jump in and start to cutting up the gnocchi.   Alison then has a go and does a better job then John.

Read more from the Farmer wants a wife Episode 6

Farmer Trent

Trent has arranged a physical date for his date with Steph and takes her on the water in a kayak.  The pair pushes off into the water and get in sync with their rowing.  Trent has said that he and Steph have a lot of fun together and is enjoying having that special time together.  Steph instructs Trent to do the paddling by himself for a while.

Read more from the Farmer wants a wife Episode 6

Farmer Kev

Kev had started to fall for Megan and last episode she left the farm which leaves only Fiona to get to know Kev better.  Fiona takes a walk with Kev and they go for a walk and work out what to do next.  Kev asks “what do you think of me? am I the sort of person you can settle down with”, Fiona says that it is a big question but says that she does like him and wants to stay.  Kev then asks her to go away with him for a special trip. 

Read more from the Farmer wants a wife Episode 6

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 5 Commentary

The last episode was the start of the difficult decisions for the farmers with each of them having to ask one of the girls to leave the farm.

Tonight’s episode was recorded on a weekend and all the farmers take one of their girls to an overnight stay at their favourite locations.

The romantic getaways could be just the thing to bring out the one true love that the farmers are looking for.

 Farmer Kev

Kev is recovering from asking Meg to leave the Farm, and Kev says it was one of the hardest things he has ever had to do, ever.  He wakes the girls at 5am and tells them he has some fun installed for them today. Megan says that she is looking forward to it.  First Kev takes the ladies to the Hat shop in Bendigo and tells them he is taking them to the races.   Fiona is good at being the centre of attention, but Megan is always in with a chance.  Megan may find that her quiet ways have captivated Kev’s heart

 Farmer Will

Will is struggling with yesterday’s decision, and it was a real shock to see her leave.  Will now has just Eliza and Sam on the Farm and teaches them how to change a tyre.  Eliza has a great chance with Will and the family also seem to agree.  Sam says that even though Will confronted her she still wants to spend more time with him. 

Will decides to take Eliza on his special date and as they walk off it leaves Sam very emotional.

Farmer Frank

Frank, takes the girls into the paddock to hit some golf balls, and tells us that both the girls are very different personalities. Tenille says that she is a very competitive person and has a real go at hitting the golf ball, after a few misses.  Peta tee’s up the golf ball and hits off with her first shot.  Tenille was taken back when Frank takes Peta into town for a game of golf. 

Farmer John

John is a great believer in love “just happening”.  Today John decides to take Tracy for an overnight stay and it is a bit of a surprise to Alison, and leaves Alison very upset. 

Tracy loved being on the back of the bike with John and felt that it was a wonderful experience.  John has said that he feels there is a connection there; John felt that he really had to impress Tracy with something she has never done.  John feels that she would stand by her man if times got tight, and that seems to be very important to John.

Farmer Tim

Tim has the girls chasing a loose chicken around the farm and has made Tim realise how much he wants a partner in his life.  Izabella has really fallen for Tim and Angela has also fallen for him.  Angela is the girl that Tim chooses to take away for the one on one date. Izabella is not very happy at all about the decision and wonders what they will get up to.


Farmer Trent

Trent takes Jenny on a sea change and takes her to a beautiful location beside the water.  Trent is impressed with Jenny’s outgoing ways; he feels that she lifts the mood wherever she is around.    Jenny feels they have a special connection and then Jenny reveals that she has spent too much time in hospital.  Jenny tells Trent that she had a blood clot in the back of her brain which required her to have major surgery.

Read more on our Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 5

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Prohibited animal list needed for Australia

The CRC chief executive, Andreas Glanznig, raised the issue that Australia needs to address a list of prohibited animals which were considered as potential pest animals like the silver fox in order to stop import applications.  However, his suggestion has since been vehemently opposed by National Farmers Federation, the Victorian Farmers Federation, the Victorian Agriculture Minister and RSPCA

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Prohibited animal list needed for Australia

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Farming uncertainty makes farmers jittery

Although seasonal on farm conditions seem optimistic and in good shape, uncertainty outside the farm gate is giving Australian farmers the jitters.  Farmers’ confidence level has hit an all time low with reports that rural confidence has fallen drastically over the past few months. 

Farmers are not only worried about local economic conditions but they are also concerned about global conditions in relation to carbon tax, live cattle exports and coal seam gas mining.  Rabobank Rural Confidence Survey which is conducted among 1200 Australian farmers demonstrates that there has been an increase in number of farmers who believe that the conditions will worsen in the coming year.  The number has increased from 12pc to 35pc from last quarter’s results.  Also, only 18pc are optimistic about the agricultural economy, a number which is drastically lower compared to 42pc previously. 

Read more of this article on our Country Life Blog

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 4 Commentry

Tonight it is decision day and the farmers ask one of their favourites to leave the farm, and hopefully one step closer to finding true love.

Farmer Will

Will is nervous he will send the wrong girl home tonight.  He gets the girls to clean out a trough and distract them from the hours ahead.  He has a bit of a game and drops a couple of girls in the water through. 

Farmer Tim

Tim has a lot on his mind but he has already decided who he will send home.  The girls think he is a “closed book”

Tim is second to reveal his decision and has the girls sitting on some hay behind the shed.  Tim has made a connection with all the girls and now no one wants to go home. 

Farmer Trent

Trent sits with the girls and tells them it is decision day and he is struggling and says that he thinks they are all awesome girls and says it is “very hard”.  Trent has never been in love before and is ready to give his heart away.  Trent has said he can see himself with all of them.  Trent says “he can’t work it out” 

Farmer Kev

Kev is hoping he will make the right decision.  Meg has fallen for Kev and thinks he is a really nice guy. Fiona wants to share his future, and Megan has feelings for him as well and she says he is great. 

Farmer John

John does not have to make a decision today as he was starting to fall for Belinda and she decided to leave last episode.  John still wants to meet a lovely lady and has the two ladies who are still very much interested in him on the farm.

Farmer Frank

The first to choose tonight and is surprised how easy it is to get along with all the girls.  Frank has lived up to his name and taken all three girls hearts.  Frank meets the girls in the paddock on some tree stumps.  He thanks them all for coming and says it has been a great experience with all the girls.  her heart set on staying.

Read more on our Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 4