The Farmer Wants a Wife is an Australian reality television series. Hosted by Getaway presenter Natalie Gruzlewski, the first six-episode series commenced on the Nine Network on October 24, 2007. Another 3 series have since aired, with Series 4 coming to an end in November 2009. The fifth season aired on July 28, 2010.
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First Series Contestants
Farmer Age Location Quote
Drew 32 Mudgee, NSW "I have a cheeky nature... the lovable brat. There is never a dull moment in my life."
Brad 30 Swan Hill, Victoria "Really I'd like to settle down with a woman who's not so ready and wants to share her journey with me."
Gus 32 Warren, NSW "I come from a close and happy family and firmly believe this has made me the happy confident person I am today."
Jon 28 Deniliquin, NSW "I hope to find a person with an easy going nature to share the good and bad times together."
Craig 27 West Wyalong, NSW "I am looking for a girl that would be with me for the right reason; start a new life and then see where we would end up."
Chris 34 Tamworth, NSW "You get a long way in life with a smile and a friend, someone who can laugh at themselves."
Second Series Contestants
Farmer Age Location Quote
Rob 42 Mount Gambier, SA "It hasn't all been easy, but the most difficult part is having no partner to share it all with."
James 36 Deniliquin, NSW "Once I enter a relationship with someone I am intensely loyal."
Mick 24 Goulburn, NSW "My female friends describe me as the perfect catch for any lady."
Howie 29 Weabonga, NSW "I have a fair amount of determination. I need someone with equal or more amounts to keep me in line and to handle country life."
Ben 30 Jamberoo, NSW "I'm now ready for someone to settle with and share what I have with me."
Nick 27 Wahgunyah, VIC "I pride myself as a bit of a gentlemen - that is the way I have been brought up."
Third Series Contestants
Farmer Age Location Quote
Jenny Blake 32 Tumbarumba, NSW "I'm into serious relationships, not casual flings or time wasters."
Andrew Hall 25 Manoora, SA "I like to brighten someone's day when they are down."
Paul Macdonald 36 Tarcutta, NSW "I am not afraid to show affection in public."
Ralph Lyster 29 Mandurah, Western Australia "The Playboy farmer"
Tim Farr 26 Mulwala, NSW "The good looking one"
Damian Atkins 29 Caveside, Tasmania "the Tasmanian"
Fourth Series Contestants
Farmer Age Location
Brad 29 Lithgow, NSW
Scott 28 Mungingi, NSW
Russell 27 Grampians, VIC
Nate 37 Goovigen, QLD
Phil 42 Mansfield, Vic
Gavin 49 Norwell, QLD
Steven 27 Norwell, QLD
Fifth Series Contestants (Current Series)
Becky Age 34 SA
"I work hard and give 150 percent, not matter what I'm doing, so relationships are no different. I put everything I have into them."
Devon Age 25 VIC
"I love new experiences and I'm very excited about meeting new people and possibly finding myself a wife."
Jamie Age 40 WA
"I don't have bad moods, I refuse to have them. I never argue with anybody and I don't want to."
Charlie Age 25 NSW
"I'm very laidback and easygoing, but underneath I am very determined."
Nathan Age 26 WA
"The biggest thing I value in a woman is a caring nature."
Shaun Age 31 WA
"It would be great to meet someone that I feel some chemistry with right from the start."
Chris and Kim from the first show got married just one year after they met on The Farmer Wants a Wife. Also, other couples from series two are still totally in love, and are also planning their future. The first episode of The Farmer Wants a Wife featured in the UK on 2001. The original idea most likely dates back to the TV show Bauer sucht Bäuerin, broadcasted in 1983 on Swiss TV. The theory is that a number of farmers are introduced to women from the city, from whom they select to be their spouse. In Australia the idea is particularly relevant. With a lot of rural farmers separated from potential singles by large distances. Online Dating assists by bringing these farmers wanting a wife closer to each other by offering online chat rooms and programs such as The Farmer wants a Wife and really make their existence known. It is quite popular to court a single Australian farmer ! Series 5 of The Farmer wants a Wife includes a lady farmer, Becky.
For those of us who were not lucky enough to be selected to go on the show there is still hope with a dating site that exists to help rural farmers in their search using online dating. provides an online community for all Australians looking for a friend, not just singles but for all those who embrace the rural way of life.