Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 3 Commentry

We are in for a surprise tonight wilth all the advertising telling us that

The farmers are getting to know their favourites and are spending their time wisely with their girls.

 Farmer Tim

Funny but true, Tim has now realised that he as picked three blondes and in this episode takes the girls to meet someone special, Tim’s Father, Gus.  The girls were impressed with Gus’s looks for his age, which is great news for Tim and as a true dad would,  Gus sends Tim on his way and has some alone time with the girls.  In the initial screening Gus selected Angela as a wild card for Tim and stats that he is happy with his choice.

Read more on Farmer Tim's Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 3 Adventures

Farmer Kev

Kev has Meg, Fiona and Megan having fun with the morning chores and they start throwing some hay around, however Megan is not having a lot of fun in the group situation and thinks that Kev is not seeing her for who she really is.

Kev asked Fiona for a special date at the lake and takes her fishing.  Kev knows that Fiona is full of life and thinks she is bubbly.  He takes the opportunity to ask her some questions and tells her that he really does like her and then Fiona lays it on the line and tells Kev she is falling for him also, even though she does not usually do that.    Kev says that he has very strong feelings and she even gives him butterflies.

Read more on Farmer Kev's Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 3 Adventures

Farmer John

John has some interesting work for his girls and asks them to muster some of the cattle.  He has already had a kiss with Belinda but says he is keeping his options open.  However the girls have started to notice that Belinda might have the upper-hand, and there is no denying she might be his favourite.

John’s sons have come to support him and meet the ladies.  They would like to see him happy again.  John’s sons ask if any of them have had a farm life before, and Belinda, as usual, wins that conversation.  The son’s tells the ladies that John is a bit sneaky and cheeky.

Read more on Farmer John's Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 3 Adventures

Farmer Trent

In SA, it is an action packed morning at his grandma’s place as Lucie gets the chance to catch some chooks.  Trent is really taken by Lucie’s smile and thinks there is some flirting going on.  He then gets a chance to sit down with Lucie and asks her what she is looking for in a relationship.  They have a great laugh together and ticks some of Lucie’s boxes.

Read more on Farmer Trent's Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 3 Adventures

Farmer Frank

In Hughenden, Frank takes the girls to ween some heifers, he has already kissed country girl Jess and the other girls are fighting for his heart.    Frank is rounding up some cattle with the 4-wheel motorbike and the girls liked what they saw.  In a moment of excitement, Tenielle was running around and got a bit of a scare when the cattle ran towards her

 Read more on Farmer Frank's Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 3 Adventures

 Farmer Will

In NSW, will takes the three girls out onto the land to see if they want to actually do some work on the land and fix up an old fence.  He has already kissed Elisa and she is fitting in well Will feels.  Cathy is struggling with the farm work and it does not appear to be coming naturally for her.  Cathy is really looking for more one on one time with Will but it might not happen

Will takes the girls to meet his first love, Rugby Union and the girls are impressed with his uniform.  Sam sees Will’s mum in the crowd and take the girls to meet her.  Cathy gets to have a chat to Will’s mum but is a little shy in opening up.   Cathy then tells us that she thinks she has developed feelings for Will and starts to break down a little.  Will goes over and has a chat with her, later Will says that it is good she can express her feelings but is a little worried she is getting too emotional too quickly.

Read More on Farmer Will's Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 3 Adventures

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Coopers Country Song

IT'S time for Australia's budding songwriters to hurry and enter a song to be in the running to win a share of $20,000 in prize money, two days professional recording time in the Sony Studio, and your song used in the Coopers Animal Health TV Commercial in 2012.

In celebrating its long history with country Australia, Coopers is looking for a new bush anthem that best reflects this historic partnership and captures Australia’s rural pride and people. Contestants can upload their songs to www.cooperscountry.com.au with an expert panel deciding the winner in September 2011 to be announced on the Coopers Country website.

With already 176 artists from around Australia having submitted their songs, it’s time to enter now and roundup your share of prizes, and become the next legend of Australian country music with Coopers Country, the Australian Song Competition.

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You can read the profiles on the Farmer Wants a Wife Farmers here;

 Farmer Will

Farmer Trent

Farmer Frank

Farmer John

Farmer Kev

 Farmer Tim


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 2 Commentary

Well the Farmers worlds were turned upside down last week and now they have their chosen three girls coming to their farms.

The boys made their farmers clean, chase cattle and change tyres and are hoping one of their ladies might like to spend their lives there.

Farmer Trent

In SA, Trent says he is ready for a wife and wants to share his life with someone. 

As his three girls arrive in the one car, they are all dressed very similar with tight black pants, seems they are ready for life on the farm.

Trent has made a big effort and has prepared some gift bags for the girls.

As the first event together, Trent takes his girls into the paddocks and sneakilygets the girls all muddy they all had a massive mud fight and all the girls admit they had a great time together

Read more of the Article Here Farmer Wants a Wife Series 7

Farmer Will

In NSW, Will puts out some fruit out for his ladies, and even offers some carrots, whilst asking jokingly “what do girls eat?”

He has a knock at the door and Samantha, is there waiting to come inside, a sneaky move to get one up on the girls.  Sam was selected by his mum and she meets her in the kitchen, she says that “maybe she is the bride that can ride”. 

The other girls arrive and see Sam already there, Cathy was left feeling very uncomfortable.

Read more of the Article Here Farmer Wants a Wife Series 7

Farmer Tim

In Victoria, Tim is hoping for a hard working, honest girl.  Angela meets Isabella and Jaclyn at the airport so they all have a chance to arrive together.

As an introduction to life on the land, Farmer Tim asks the girls to cut the balls off a sheep. Little bit gruesome but the girls step up to the challenge.

More on Farmer Tim's Adventures on Farmer Wants a Wife

Farmer John

Farmer John, wants to he happy the rest of his life.  His three girls also arrive together and as they arrive there is a raging river crossing their driveway. John is standing on the same side as the girls and offers them a ride across on the farm tractor.

Alison is the first to go across on the tractor, then Belinda, and last is Tracey

John loves his horses and he wants to see if the girls can groom his horses and puts them to a challenge.  Belinda has the most experience and plats the tail of the stallion.  John says that she has won a few points and may have found his favourite.

Read More on Farmer John Here

Farmer Kev

Fiona and Meg are already at the farm and they are awaiting the arrival of Megan.  Finally when Meg arrives she walks into the room the girls are in and it all looks a little uncomfortable.

Kev then takes the girls onto the farm and starts to herd some sheep into their enclosure. Meg gets her hands dirty and gets dragged around.  Kev sure does notice and it might just give Meg the edge she needs.

Read more from Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 2

Farmer Frank

As the challenge for the girls, Frank asks his girls to see who is the quickest to change a tyre.  Tennille says she is a competitive person and remembers “lefty loose, righty tighty” and that helps her get going.  Tennille is the winner of the challenge and she wins dinner with Frank tonight with the other two girls cooking.

Once Tennille and Frank sit down for dinner and the other girls bring out the dinner, Frank then invites the two girls to join him and Tennille for Dinner.

Read More on the Dating Site based on the show Farmer Wants a wife

Monday, August 22, 2011

Series return of The Farmer Wants a Wife

What a great success, the first episode and series return of The Farmer Wants a Wife raked in 1.17 million viewers as the Nine Network works to fill the gap left by ratings winner The Block.

Series seven of Nine’s reality show debuted in the 7pm slot last night in the spot left vacant by The Block, which had its final episode on Sunday night.

The 90-minutue special which follows six farmers, ranging from 24 to 58-years-old, on their search for love took home the third most watched program of the night, according to preliminary overnight metro ratings from OzTam.

You can read the profiles on the Farmer Wants a Wife Farmers here;

 Farmer Will

Farmer Trent

Farmer Frank

Farmer John

Farmer Kev

Farmer Tim

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Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 1 Commentary

Farmer Wants a Wife Episode 1 Commentary

The time has come to fall in love again and with 4 weddings, one engagement and 4 farmer babies from previous episodes the farmer wants a wife series has a great track record.

Natalie introduces herself and checks if the farmers are all excited over a nice candle lit dinner.

Each farmer has hand selected from a selection of thousands of applications, 6 singles to come meet with them, and then the farmers will have to narrow that selection down to only 3 who they will then take back to their farms where they can get to know each other better.

Farmer Trent

Trent has had a couple of relationships before and is from Lameroo SA, Farmer Trent has been building his business since leaving school and has focused on that solely.  Trent does have a secret skill as he is perfect at relating to girls as he is one of triples with two other sisters.  Trent is now ready to let a lady into his heart.

Trent selects Lucy as his first girl, then selects Steph second and his final selection is Jenny who was his sister’s choice.

Farmer Frank

Is located 4 hours west of Townsville and does not get the opportunity to meet many new girls.  From Hughenden, Frank is looking for a relationship as all his mates are also in long term relationships.  He is the last of his family tree and wants to keep the family name alive.  He is an honest and loyal man who is looking for love.

Farmer Franks selects Peta as his first girl and she says she is excited, his second choice is Jessica as there are a few little things he wants to get to know, his third selection is Tenille.

Farmer Will

Will’s little sister dobbed him in for the show and when he saw opportunity he thought he would kick himself if he did not take it on.  Being from NSW he is a bit of a dancer and is 202 cm. Will says he has dated short and taller girls in the past.  A career in professional rugby has given him plenty of opportunity but is happy to now be back on the land.  Will has his mother helping him at the farm house and she will  help him select his new love.

Will selects Elisa as his first girl, then selects Samantha as his second choice which was his family selection, and finally chooses Cathy as his last selection

Farmer Tim

Tim is very serious about finding his relationship and as a sheep farmer from Victoria he is in a town of only 400 folks.  Tim is an active member of the community first as a volunteer fire fighter and secondly as an actor.  Tim gets lonely at times on the farm and wants to have a cuddle at the end of the day, he does not want to grow old alone.

Tim selects his first girl to be Isabella, and then selects Angela, his family selected girl and then finally selects Jaclyn.

Farmer John

John has had love before and has two boys from his first love.  His boys have backed John and are looking forward to John finding love again.  Being from the hunter valley he has a few horses which he rides for the love of it.  John’s previous wife Janice was taken from him after 23 years of marriage and passed away of cancer at the age of 42 and it was too young.  John says that Janice had no faults and was a beautiful person.  14 years later John is ready to find a new love, with the blessing of Janice.  “You look after the right girl and she will look after you”

Farmer John selects Alison first because he likes her smile, he then selects Tracey who feels he had an eye connection with, and then selects Belinda as his final selection.

Farmer Kev

From Melbourne, who lives in his grandfather’s house, Kev is 33 and is looking for love but before she arrives Kev has to fix the fact that he has never been in love before.  In his search for love he is looking for a girl with a great sense of humour and fit in with his friends and family. 

Fiona is his first selection, Meg is a country girl and Kev’s second selection, the final selection is Megan the one selected by his brother.

We are now looking forward to Wednesday’s follow up episode, keep up the great work guys.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Screening of Farmer Wants a Wife Series 7

Channel Nine has now released the details of series 7 of The Farmer Wants a Wife.

Two Aussie Victorian farmers will be just two of the six farmers in the romance series, which will debut Monday the 22th August.

Farmer Kev (sheep, cattle and cropping) is 33 and Farmer Tim (wheat and barley, sheep and cattle) is 29. Four other farmers, Farmer Will - Farmer John - Farmer Frank - Farmer Trent - ranging from 24 to 58-years-old - round out the six bush farmers.

The beautiful Natalie Gruzlewski will of course play cupid as host of the show.

In a highly anticipated trial, the Farmer’s first episode - which will be a 90-minute special - is set to screen in the all-important 7pm time-slot on Monday, August 22. It is the slot being vacated by The Block, which has its last episode on Sunday night.

Channel Nine will be aiming to keep viewers for the high-rating renovation show tuned in to the network. The second episode of Farmer will screen on Wednesday August 24 at an as yet unannounced time, and a weekly time-slot is still to be announced.

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Farmer Will

Farmer Will is aged 25 and lives in Warialda in New South Wales. He is the tallest farmer in this series at 202cm tall and 112kg, a fun loving country boy.

Farmer Will is a very social, fun and caring person who enjoys partying, the outdoors and his sport. Will has said that he is on the lookout for a fun, mentally strong, athletic, bubbly woman who is adventurous and will stick with him through the highs and lows of living on the land.

Will is a true believer in the value of family and friends. He likes to describe himself as a fun and easygoing gentleman, who is popular and loves sport.

When asked what makes Will unique he says that most people would say his height but also just as great are his manners and laid-back attitude. Will has a great ability to get along well with everyone.

Will is looking for a 22 to 28 year old lady who is very much like himself and is hoping that Farmer Wants a Wife will find him the love of his life.

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Farmer Kev

Farmer Kev is aged 33 and lives near Maryborough in Victoria. He is 180cm tall and 84kg, a true cowboy who was born and raised on the farm.

Kev, had a very country upbringing, when he was not at school he was helping his parents out on the farm doing usual farm stuff. He has had the opportunity to travel a lot in Australia and overseas, but says that every time he has returned he is straight back into the country.

Being a true country gentleman he values friendship and family above everything else, spending quality time with both is the most important thing to be content.

The ideal woman for Kev is someone who gets along with most people and his family, a woman who is trustworthy and genuine. Kev likes to describe himself as an honest, reliable, responsible (most of the time), caring, hard working and sociable bloke with a great sense of humour.

Here is the first country guy we have seen who has said "I quite enjoyed eating frogs legs in France" a true man of the world.

You can read more about Farmer Kev on the Channel Nine Website

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Farmer John

Farmer John is aged 58 and lives in Merriwa in NSW. He is 183cm tall and 93kg, a gentleman from the bush who loves the Country.

John has two children, two boys actually, 35 and 32 who no longer live with him, but John has a great relationship with each of them. John is a horse and cattle breeder and likes to say that Country life has been good to him. This country has given John the time and freedom to pursue his love of animals and along the way has also provided a healthy lifestyle.

Of course with life in the country there is always a sense of fun and adventure. John likes to think of himself as young at heart, with a soft interior and tough rouged country hardened exterior. John has always prided himself on his ability to be a loyal, honest friend and has a love for horses and Harleys. Being young at heart keeps John alive with a great sense of humour.

Being a young 58 year old, John is looking for love in a lady who is 35 to 55 and wants his love to he his best friend as much as she will be his lover.

Read More about Farmer John on the Channel Nine Website

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Farmer Tim

Farmer Tim is aged 29 and lives in Murrayville in Victoria.

He is 186cm tall and 88kg, a true country gentleman. Tim is a fourth-generation farmer who is living on his century-old Mallee farm. Tim grew up with horses, sheep, cows and dogs plus a who range of other farm animals. He values friends and family and really enjoys having a good time and a laugh, sounds like a perfect candidate for the Farmer Wants a Wife Series. Tim has been known to be adventurous and loves travelling whether in Australia or overseas. Spiritually, Tim believes that everyone should be "treated equally and be given a fair go!" (spoken like a true Aussie).

Tim loves meeting new people, especially people who want to try everything that life has to offer. He describes himself as an easygoing guy who is happy, friendly and loves having fun with mates and meeting new people from all walks of life.

Some unique things that Tim has to offer are that he is a qualified builder and a member of the local dramatic society, and here is one that will surely get some hearts fluttering, he is a volunteer fire-fighter. Time also completed a solo around-the-world trip in 2010 visiting 20 countries, and while he was on his trip, indulged in his passion for astronomy.

If you would like to see pictures of Farmer Tim or read more about his profile you can visit the Channel Nine Website

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Farmer Frank

Frank is aged 30 and lives in Hughenden in Queensland.  He is 179cm tall and 68kg of pure Queensland country.

Farmer Frank is a grazier based in North West Queensland and manages a number of cattle properties for his family.  One of the great things about Farmer Frank is that he values his family, friends and good times.  He is looking for a woman who is attractive, kind, intelligent and enjoys the outdoor lifestyle.

Being the a country Queensland Lad he is a hardworking genuine fun loving guy. 

A couple of individual facts about Frank is that he was raised in Papua New Guinea, he then did schooling in a boarding school in Brisbane and also Charters Towers (Home of the Charters Towers Country Music Festival) and completed his trade certificate in Diesel Fitting in Cairns, North Queensland.

You can read more about Farmer Frank and View Pictures on the Channel Nine Website

See Pictures and Read More about Farmer Frank on the Ninemsn Website

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Farmer Trent

Trent is aged 24 and lives in Lameroo in South Australia.  He is 188cm tall and 80kg of single country bloke.

Farmer Trent says that his family has been farming in the Mallee for over 70 years and is a true Aussie being a 4th generation farmer.

Trent runs a mixed farm with cattle, sheep and cropping and also has a feedlot and a hay contracting business and Angus stud.

Trent says he loves farming and the life that living on the farm gives him, which includes the freedom, the people and tranquil environment. He is looking to now share this special life with one lucky girl.

Trent describes himself as a "run-of-the-mill country lad" and loves his work dealing with livestock, and as most country people are he is friendly and passionate, dedicated, caring and easygoing.

There are a few special things that are different with Farmer Trent, he is a triplet and started his own business at 22.  Whilst being entreprenerial he also has a caring heart, and volunteers at CanTeen.

Ow and he also loves making broccoli soup!

Trent grew up in Lameroo on the family operated farm, and has always had a very close family. Being educated initially in Lameroo and then schooled in Adelaide. In 2008 Trent travelled to North America, and then on his return to Australia, moved back to the family farm and built his own business.

Trent is looking for a girl who is funny, reliable, honest, independent, sociable, intelligent, attractive, willing to live in the country and get their hands dirty occasionally. Preferably aged between 21 and 30

See Pictures and Read More about Farmer Trent on the Ninemsn Website

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Farmer Wants a Wife Series 7

The seventh series of Farmer wants a Wife will be airing on the 22nd August at 7pm on Channel Nine.

In the Seventh series of Farmer Wants a Wife there are 6 very handsome country bachelors who are looking for the love's of their lives. Looking through the profiles of the new eligible Bachelors shows us that there are some farmers having their first chance at love and some farmers hoping for a second chance.

Looking for Love and Online Dating be sure you check out FarmDating.com.au

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Friday, August 5, 2011

History of Australia

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Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere which consists of the Australian continent, the smaller island of Tasmania and a number of smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Surrounding countries include Indonesia and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the northeast and New Zealand to the southeast.

 For 40,000 years before White settlement in the late 18th century, Australia was the homeland of indigenous Australians, who belonged to one or more of roughly 250 language groups. After being discovered by Dutch explorers in 1606, Australia's eastern half was claimed by Britain in the year 1770 and was settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales. It is known that formal possession of the land had been taken on 26 January 1788, after this the white population increased at a steady rate following decades; the Australian continent was explored and an group of five self-governing Crown Colonies were established.

 It is recorded that on 1 January 1901, the 6 colonies became their own federation and the Commonwealth of Australia was created. Since Federation, Australia has maintained a secure liberal democratic political system and is a Commonwealth hierarchy. The population is currently about 22.6 million, with around 60 per cent located in and around the mainland state capitals. The main capital cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide and the capital city is Canberra, in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Approximately 57 per cent of Australia's population live in either Victoria or New South Wales, and approximately 79 per cent live in the eastern states of Australia.

 A well developed country, Australia is the world's thirteenth 13th largest economy and it holds a position 16 in Global Competitiveness Index 2010–2011 rankings made by World Economic Forum. Australia ranks very highly in many international comparisons of national performance such as human development, quality of life, health care, life expectancy, public education, economic freedom and the protection of civil liberties and political rights.

FarmDating is an Australian site for Single Australians who love this great land of ours to meet other like minded Country Australians on an online dating service, drop by and say hi.

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